
Programmatic advertising

Reach the right audience at the right time with real-time bidding. Programmatic advertising is more efficient than traditional methods, improving your ad spend returns.

At Channel Hive, we excel in both performance and awareness campaigns through programmatic advertising, offering market-leading, tech-agnostic solutions for customized setup, reporting, and analysis.

Our programmatic services:



Programmatic advertising offers a faster, more insightful alternative to traditional digital advertising. It uses software to buy ads through real-time bidding.

This method helps you achieve a better return on your ad spend, with precise targeting control. We work with a global network of partners, advocating for transparency and combating ad fraud.

The benefits of programmatic advertising

With programmatic advertising, digital marketing is automated, giving you a range of benefits for managing your advertising efforts. These advantages include:

Increased efficiency in your advertising

Programmatic advertising enhances media buying speed and efficiency through real-time bidding and automated optimization.

Optimize and target audiences in real time

Real-time data enables us to swiftly make changes and optimizations, expanding audience reach and increasing conversions.

Campaigns across channels and devices

Programmatic advertising makes it easier to develop multichannel marketing campaigns, ensuring your message reaches across different channels and devices.

Our programmatic advertising services

Since 2018, we’ve excelled in the programmatic advertising space, allowing us to quickly determine the best marketing strategies for your audience. We tailor our guidance to your specific needs, and commonly offer the following services:

We target any internet-connected screen or device. By collaborating with technology partners, we secure quality media spaces and verify audiences in any environment.

Before any campaign, we perform in-depth back-end strategy and planning research, ensuring we accurately target the right audiences.

We utilize our trading expertise to optimize your campaign budget, aiming for successful results.

We offer thorough data and reporting, compiling all necessary campaign information into a clear, concise report with statistics on your KPIs and goals.

From fully managed services to in-housing technology, expanding into new DSPs, or advising your in-house team, our programmatic experts are equipped to help you succeed.

We have the systems and processes in place to effectively manage and deliver your advertisements.

We offer thorough data and reporting, compiling all necessary campaign information into a clear, concise report with statistics on your KPIs and goals.

Customized programmatic in-housing

At Channel Hive, we collaborate with you to create a customized programmatic in-housing plan that suits your needs. Whether you require a fully managed service, tech integration, DSP expansion, or in-house team guidance, our experts are here to help you succeed. Explore our in-housing services: programmatic activity audits, strategic consulting, tech selection and contracting, in-house team development and training, and personalized service models.


Enjoy a complete service from our programmatic experts, with access to over 30 tech vendors.


Utilize your DSP licenses, ours, or both, with management from our skilled trading team.


Receive project-based consulting from our programmatic specialists to address your unique requirements.

Why select us for

programmatic advertising?

Our strong emphasis on data leads to highly efficient outcomes. Partnering with Channel Hive for your programmatic advertising offers you the following advantages:

Maximized ad spend returns

Our experience helps us optimize your budget through strategic testing, ensuring you never pay more than necessary. We select the right inventory from billions of options, minimizing waste and making the most of your budget.

Precision targeting control

We employ various technologies to enhance targeting accuracy, creating limitless segments. Our flexible partners help us build necessary features, ensuring we meet all client requirements with custom prospects.

Detailed analytics of your results

We provide transparent, customized reporting at every campaign stage. Clients depend on our data expertise to evaluate programmatic ad performance against their performance indicators.

Clients we work with

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Pioneering change since 2018

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Frequently asked questions

We have a wealth of experience with programmatic advertising for top global brands. Our focus is on achieving your success by understanding your objectives and creating a customized, data-driven strategy to reach your target audience through innovative and efficient media placements.

Programmatic advertising is highly effective, offering brands enhanced efficiency, precise targeting, and scalability through real-time bidding powered by AI and machine learning.

We customize KPIs based on your needs, typically focusing on impressions, clicks, reach, viewability, conversions, revenue, and ROAS.

We leverage multiple technologies, including in-built DMPs and external analytics tools, combined with historical insights, to build effective targeting strategies. Our expertise ensures a strong ROI.

Programmatic ads are shown across various platforms, including apps, websites, CTV, and DOOH. They can appear on any open publisher inventory or through private deals, with complete transparency on where your ads are shown.

Campaign optimization involves both automatic and manual processes. DSPs automatically optimize based on KPIs, while we manually analyze detailed reports on publishers, audiences, geo, and other factors to enhance DSP optimizations.

We are DSP agnostic, always reassessing our media mix to work with the most relevant, efficient, and effective technologies.ur KPIs and goals.

Get in touch

Share your programmatic ads requirements and goals with us.

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