
Influencer marketing

Looking to grow your brand and increase revenue? Influencer marketing is a powerful tool.

The market is full of influencers, making it hard to choose the best one for your brand. Our team is here to craft and execute authentic influencer campaigns that take your brand to new heights.

Our influencer marketing services:


influencer marketing?

Influencer marketing is about partnering with content creators to use their social influence to promote your brand. These influencers showcase your brand in their content, helping to increase brand awareness and drive revenue through endorsements and advertising.

At Channel Hive, we specialize in identifying the right audiences for your brand and crafting dynamic strategies to reach them. We can promote your content on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and other popular platforms.

The benefits of Influencer marketing

With a team of skilled influencer marketing professionals, we develop and implement campaigns that boost your brand’s performance, trust, and loyalty. Here are some of the main benefits of working with us:

Data-driven approach

We use data to guide our work at every stage, from research to post-campaign analysis. Our approach offers complete transparency, showing the reasoning and data behind each decision. We create customized reports aligned with your KPIs and goals, and provide insights for future campaigns.

Tailored strategies

Our clients want engagement to lead to website visits and qualified leads. We use strategic tracking to give you a comprehensive view of campaign performance, from start to finish, ensuring that your KPIs and objectives are met.

Compliance focus

Compliance is essential in influencer marketing. We ensure all content follows the necessary disclosures and that creators stick to campaign briefs, prioritizing brand safety.

Our influencer marketing services

Channel Hive is here to help you at every stage of your influencer marketing campaign. We handle everything from selecting and briefing influencers that fit your creative strategy to managing content and paid media. Our services include:

We help build trust and awareness for your brand by working with influencers to feature your products or services in their posts.

We find and manage the right influencers for your brand, ensuring they fit your brand voice and connect with the right audience. We handle everything from negotiating pay to finalizing contracts.

We provide influencers with detailed marketing briefs, including content guidelines and sample concepts, to ensure their messaging aligns with your brand.

We perform detailed market and competitor research to understand your industry and audience, helping us find the perfect influencers for your brand.

We analyze the complete customer journey, identifying buying strategies to find the social influencers and content that best meet their needs.

If your goal is to find content creators for high-performing media on specific platforms like TikTok, we can facilitate these partnerships. We also enhance their content with paid media.

Being data-driven, we track, measure, and analyze your influencer marketing strategies to identify growth opportunities.


Why select us for

The benefits of our influencer marketing services

We understand the influencer marketing landscape is crowded, so having performance marketing expertise is essential for achieving the best results.

Our creator discovery platform lets us match your audience metrics, finding the perfect influencers for your brand based on criteria like age, follower count, or location. We can also narrow down to niche interests such as ‘Home,’ ‘Parenting,’ ‘Personal Finance,’ ‘Pets,’ and more. We meticulously review influencer accounts, conduct thorough due diligence, and identify the best partners for your campaign.

We prioritize our clients, aligning our recommendations with their brand goals. Our wide range of specializations helps us connect you with influencers who can enhance your brand’s reputation.

We aim to create positive experiences for both our clients and influencers. Our streamlined briefing and content creation guidelines strike a balance between creative freedom and business interests, ensuring minimal revisions for fresh and engaging content.

Clients we work with

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Pioneering change since 2018

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Frequently asked questions

We are an award-winning media agency with a strong track record in creating targeted, data-driven campaigns. Our goal is your success.

Absolutely. Influencer marketing is great for building brand awareness and generating leads because it leverages trust and authenticity, which are crucial for today’s audiences.

We monitor post engagement (likes, comments, shares vs. views) and compare it to platform benchmarks. If a link is included, we track conversions. For paid media, we track impressions, clicks, view-through rates, and conversions. We can also perform brand lift studies if awareness is the key goal.

While influencer campaigns can be launched on any channel, TikTok stands out due to its newness and less crowded space for sponsored ads.

We take care to match the right influencers with your brand. If there’s something you’re not satisfied with, just let your account team know, and we’ll resolve it.

You can be as involved as you like. Whether you want to oversee every step or let us manage everything, we are flexible. You can approve influencers, briefs, concepts, and posting dates if you wish.

Get in touch

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